Friday, June 6, 2014


I love yoga! I took a Yoga/Tai-chi gym class in high school and loved it so much! I can still remember the Tai-chi routine that we did (well, the beginning of it at least). Back then, my favorite yoga pose was the dead man because I could nap in the back of the gym without standing out! (literally). Take that, gym teacher!
Now I love incorporating yoga into my daily workout routines. I like yoga because it's a deceptively hard, yet effective work out. I mean, it's not exactly an intense weight lifting or cardio session, but man does it make you sweat and you definitely feel it the next day.
Here are some of my favorite Pinterest routines (you can click on a picture and view them as a slideshow in a pop-up window, FYI):
Bikram yoga poses. Feel your muscles burn!

Work them legs!
I love this little routine! Especially #7- so relaxing!

Good ol' fashioned Sun Salutation... You can never go wrong with this sequence.

I also do DDP Yoga. Yes, that stands for Diamond Dallas Page Yoga, as in the wrestler. It's as awesome as it sounds. I got this DVD set because Todd showed interest in it, and him showing interest in any sort of fitness/health related program should be celebrated around the world. It leans more toward a cardio type of Yoga because you move pretty quickly through all of the poses while focusing on "dynamic resistance" (basically using your own muscles to resist the movement.. it's hard to explain). It's pretty cool.

Let's move onto stretching. I LOVE stretching. I stretch all.the.time. In the morning, before bed, at my desk, watching TV, cooking; whenever I get the inclination I just go for it. It feels so good! Stretches, stretches and more stretches:

Stretch YO SELF!

This hip stretch is amazing. You're welcome

I'm going to look through my pics to see if I can find a good "before" pic of me to compare to how bulging my muscles are now. I'm definitely going to take some pics now anyway and hope that in a few months my after will show a big difference! (I really don't want to get super buff, just lose some weight, be toned, and healthy; all that good stuff).

Here's a picture of Walter & Melvin ready for their morning nap:

So sweet!

Happy Friday!

PS. I meant to add my Pinterest link for those who care:

Here's my Instagram too:

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