Friday, June 27, 2014

Happy Friday!

Hello!!! I wanted to touch base and update everyone on my current running status and my plans for the future. I found the half-marathon that I 'm going to run! It's at the end of October and I'm (already) getting excited about it. It's a Halloween themed race in Ft. Desoto, Florida.  I'm going to train for the half-marathon using Hal Hidgon's novice 1 training plan (or novice 2, or a blend, we'll see). Both plans are 12 weeks long, so technically I don't have to start training until the first week of August.

However, I think I'll start training a few weeks earlier than that just to have a buffer zone for extra training (the novice 1 plan's longest run is 10-miles and you only run it once... I'm not sure how comfortable I am with that. I know that I would benefit from the peace of mind of running more than that before the race). I'm also going to use the time before-hand to focus on proper form, strength training, and building up my endurance.

Here is a recap of my "getting back into it after taking a break" week:

I was aiming for 2 miles, but duty calls and I couldn't quite make it.

Beautiful sunrise!

Feeling good!

2 miles plus a little extra. I really wanted to try and just focus on form, so I did a combo of walking/running for the last .5 mile. It feels so weird and uncomfortable to land mid-foot that I wanted to get a better feel for it.

 Speaking of form, a friend on google+ posted a video demonstrating proper running form. It's a great video and I'm really trying to incorporate the tips and techniques to get this shit right!

My leg is feeling great! I'm feeling great! I can't wait to build up my miles and just keep running!

Talk to you soon!

P.S. I added pictures to my RAP River Run Post, if you're interested.

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