Friday, July 11, 2014


Hello! I've recently made some changes to my running plan... surprise, surprise. Last time you heard from me I was using Hal Higdon's free training plans for a half-marathon. Although I like these plans (umm... free is always nice) I felt like I needed more information in terms of specific strength training exercises, warm-ups, cool-downs, nutrition, etc., than what his plans offer. I was getting tired of doing my own research to fill in these blanks, so I went out and bought myself a book (this one). I LOVE it! I read through the entire thing the first night I had it.

I like how this book includes a wide array of information, from running anatomy to post race recovery plans, warm up exercises to strength training, as well as 5k, 10k, half, and full marathon training plans. This book is exactly what I needed, it was all the basic information in one place (my copy is already dog-eared, highlighted and note-written). I'm currently following their foundation plan to increase my mileage and speed. So far I love the plan! I like how it includes, and describes, different types of training runs; fartlek's, progression run's, hill repeats, etc. I feel like I'm becoming an actual runner with all this lingo!

Physically I've been feeling great. There has been no unusual pain in my leg like a few weeks ago.  I think my legs were just shocked by the exercise. They were like "what the hell is going on?!? Why are we running?" Now they're starting to enjoy our morning runs.

My next step is to actually register for a race. I've looked into the races that are scheduled for the fall and I believe that there are a few that would work for me. I definitely need to make a final choice and just register for it within the next few weeks. Oh yeah!!! I'm getting excited!

With all of that being said, here's how I've been doing this past week:

Decent 3 miler on Monday

4 miles on Tuesday! I thoroughly enjoyed this run-  It was an unusually cool 74 degrees, or thereabouts.

Friday 4 miler. This was a tough mental run for me. I was not feeling it, but I pulled through with a great pace!!

Talk to you soon, suckas!

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