Monday, May 19, 2014


Hi! I'm going to be using this blog to keep track of my running and to share my progress with family and friends. First things first, a little bit more about me and my fitness goals.

My new year resolution is to run a marathon by the end of the year (we'll see how that goes). I ran my first 5k at the end of April (Tampa International Airport Runway fun run; it was a great experience and really cool location!). I didn't follow any training plan, and that definitely did not work in my favor, but I learned a lot from it. I plan on writing a short post about my experience, including some pics! Wooo!!

I'm currently 3 weeks into a half-marathon training program, but I haven't actually registered for a race because the timing will have me run 13.1 miles at the end of July. Apparently there are race "seasons" and July-August do not fall into the Florida season (which makes sense because walking out of your AC filled house on an August morning is like walking into a wall of heat and humidity... no thank you).

So here's what I've been thinking; I can look for races going on elsewhere at that time (like maybe New York) or I can extend my training a little longer and do a half-marathon in September, orrrrr extend my training even further for a full marathon later in the year.

I'm still unsure of what I'm going to do. I have (some) time to figure it out though.

Lest the thought of reading only about my running bores you, this blog will also occasionally feature the cute faces of Walter and Melvin (my dog and cat, bff's, no big deal). Here's one to make you go awww:

I'll also include posts on my "cross training" which includes yoga and kayaking!! That's right, my cross training includes kayaking the beautiful water ways around the Tampa Bay and Gulf of Mexico.

Thanks for stopping by!


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