Thursday, May 22, 2014


Hey there!

I just wanted to use this post to share the gear I've been using.

Sneakers: I've been using a pair of Brooks something or other. I cannot remember the specific type/design, but I'll look into it. So far I like these sneakers; they're comfortable, lightweight, and supportive. I have no complaints, but I also don't have many other running sneaker experiences to compare them with.

My very own pair of Brooks something-or-other

Plan: I'm using Hal Higdon's novice 1 half-marathon training plan. I like how the plan incorporates strength training, cross training, and stretch days. I don't always follow the plan exactly; I'll sometimes switch around the running/cross train days to better fit my schedule (a.k.a lazy days).  I like it so far, but I think that when I do sign up for a race, I'll switch to the novice 2 plan for the last few weeks because the last long race is 12 miles compared to only 10 miles for the novice 1. I would feel more comfortable running a half-marathon race knowing I can do 12 miles.

Tracking: I use Map my Run to track my runs. I used the free version for about 2 weeks before I bought the ad-free version. It's so nice to not have to click through ads! I definitely like this app, especially for a beginner like me. It's easy, cheap, and gives just enough information to be useful without being overwhelming (distance, time, pace, etc.). They also offer more stats and resources on their website, which I've finally started using more. I would like a Garmin or other watch-like tracking device eventually, but Map my Run is sufficient for now.

Misc: I use a fanny pack that I bought from Dick's to hold my phone while running. I originally looked for an arm band, but they never had one for my giant HTC phone! WTF Dicks!?!?! I know I could have bought one online, but I like trying things before buying, also I'm impatient. It turned out ok though, cause I actually love the fanny pack! It's comfortable, holds my phone well, and because of its placement, reminds me to breathe through my diaphragm (I know this is sort of weird, but it really works!).

The whole get up, including my awesome fanny pack!
(please take note of our homemade cardboard cat house, Melvin loves it!)

I typically don't listen to music while running because I hate ear buds. They suck. They never stay in my ears and my focus goes right out the window when my only train of thought is: "oh, left ear bud coming loose... now the right one....this damn wire is in my face... fuuucckkhjehajhgfdkfd" and I take them out. The end.

PS. I also carry a small lipstick size pepper spray that I tuck right into my fanny pack. Don't mess with me!

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